Monday, March 25, 2019

Bitmoji Fun

Have you heard of Bitmoji's? If you haven't you should really look into them!

Bitmoji's are the new in as it turns out! Have you ever wanted to create yourself into a cartoon character? You must sign up for a Bitmoji character first. Once you do that you can choose you hair color, facial features, body style as well as your outfit. Using Bitmoji's was very simple and fun. Once I created one I started by adding the Bitmoji Chrome extension onto my Chromebook. This made it simple to access. Doing this also made it so I can now use them in my emails as well. It does seem to get teachers to read my emails and respond to them more. I just use a keyword search such as "reading" or "book" and it brings up my avatar doing such things.

I played around with this for quite a while. It really is fun! I then found out that I can add them to my Google Drive and then use them as stickers to grade my students work. The possibilities are endless.

This year was my third year on the job. With that meant that I had to create a presentation talking all about myself. What I do for the school and my job and beyond.  I decided to create a presentation where instead of using pictures of myself I decided to liven up my work and add in some of my Bitmoji's.

Here is my presentation link:

Other than just the presentation and stickers, I also used Bitmoji's to make flyers for our PTO, which I am a part of as well. It seems to get parents to respond. I now am thinking about creating a bulletin board with my top picks of the month using my Bitmoji's.

Other Ideas:

Bulletin Boards
Overdue notices

What are some other ideas you have?