Friday, June 7, 2019

Final Reflection

These last few months of have been extremely busy and I felt it was very hard to find the time I would have liked to spend on getting more of these awesome learning activities in. Plus it is hard when there is no deadline! I am a procrastinator. But what I did do I had a lot of fun doing. I learned that my students really do like doing different technology activities. I do tend to go on what I have done in the past but this really made me go out of my comfort zone and really try new ideas and get creative.

I do recall one of the projects I started and just couldn't finish was the note-taking assignment. I didn't feel I could do it justice in the time I had to complete it. I do hope that this stays open long enough for me to go back to this one assignment and give it a go again. Working with elementary students is a lot harder for them to grasp the concept of note taking then at the older levels. I also want to make sure that what I start at my level is what they can continue with when they move on to the higher grades.

In conclusion, I will take what I have learned from these great learning tools and continue to grow in my teaching and really start adding some "umph" to my lessons. The students really think that the green screen as well as the Bitmoji's are the greatest things invented. If anyone else was to continue this learning platform I would love to do it again.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Thing 8: Curation Tools

Thing 8: Curation Tool: 

I have worked in the library for 13 years. In these last 13 years I have tried so hard to find a tool my elementary students could use that is easy available and easy to use. Well I have found one.

Cite This For Me is a Google App the students are able to add onto their Chromebooks.

No matter the cite they are on they can click on the app that at the top of their screen and it cites it for them. We talk about the importance of citing their sources and plagiarism. It is a hard concept for elementary students to understand the severity of it, especially later in life.

This app has made it so that each time the students visit a cite they are able to create a bibliography right from this app and then when they are finished researching they have all of their sources listed already.

It also helps that we are a 1:1 Chromebook District. The High School Librarian found this her and and I decided that this is what we were going to use to teach all of the students citations and keep it the same for all. This will in turn help the students who are moving on from Elementary School to Middle School and then on to High School to keep it simple and consistent.

Consistency is key!